With this switch, if the destination computer supports SMB compression and the files being copied are very compressible, there may be significant improvements to performance. Since Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10, a compression option is available in robocopy when copying across a network.
Return code on program termination for batch file usage.
Multithreaded copying introduced with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Ability to copy paths exceeding 259 characters - up to a theoretical limit of about 32,000 characters - without errors. A continuously updated command-line progress indicator. Ability to skip files already in the destination folder with identical size and timestamp. A "mirror" mode, which keeps trees synchronised by also deleting files in the destination that are not present in the source. Persistence by default, with a programmable number of automatic retries if a file cannot be copied. Ability to assert the Windows NT "backup right" ( /B) so an administrator may copy an entire directory, including files denied readability to the administrator. #EMCOPY GUI UPDATE#
Beginning with the XP026 version, the ability to copy folder (or directory) date and timestamps ( /DCOPY:T), even with the ability to update folder timestamps (copied from existing folders) on folders already created from previous versions (that did not copy the folder date and timestamps). Ability to copy file data and attributes correctly, and to preserve original timestamps, as well as NTFS ACLs, owner information, and audit information using the /COPYALL or /COPY: command line switches. Ability to skip NTFS junction points which can cause copying failures because of infinite loops ( /XJ). Ability to tolerate network interruptions and resume copy (incomplete files are marked with a date stamp of and contain a recovery record so Robocopy knows where to continue from). Robocopy is noted for capabilities above and beyond the built-in Windows copy and xcopy commands, including the following, some requiring appropriate command-line options: